Ben Carson Blasts 'Woke' Pastors, Warns Church Has Left People 'Drifting In The Open Sea'

"The church should be a place where there are standards which help to keep people anchored to a moral foundation...not drifting in the open sea," Carson said.

Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson criticized "woke" pastors that capitulate to modern culture and asserted that church needs to keep people anchored to a moral foundation. "Unfortunately, so many of our pastors have become woke and they're walking around with their fingers in the air, seeing which way the wind is blowing and then accommodating to that," Carson said on the "Furthermore with Amanda Head" podcast.

Carson added that many churches have adapted to popular opinion, in contrast with the role of the church itself. “The church should be a place where there are standards which help to keep people anchored to a moral foundation… not drifting in the open sea,” he said. “But that’s what we’re having right now.” Though evangelical voters were crucial to former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaigns, groups such as “Evangelicals for Harris” have emerged in recent years leading members to her side of the aisle.
Dr. Carson further emphasized the importance of voters remembering that their rights come from God and not the government. “We have to recognize that our founding document says that our rights come from our Creator…AKA God,” he said. “Not from the government, not from a king, not from a monarch, but from God.”


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